


Students must register before entering any class.  没有登记的人 对于某一节课可能不参加那一节课.  注册完成后,学生才能完成 has submitted all forms and paid all required fees.  登记程序及日期; along with registration deadlines, are published on a quarterly basis.




Students must register before entering any class. 以下程序概述 the registration process and other issues regarding registration.

A. 正常登记


  1. Complete a community college application for admission.
  2. If you are going to take college level math and or English you must take ASSET or COMPASS which is scheduled through Student Development office.
  3. 参加定向.
  4. Meet with an adviser and obtain PIN number for registering.
  5. 通过学院网站(www)注册.dan48.com).
  6. 支付学杂费.

B. 登记预约

Appointments to register are mailed to new students (Wenatchee campus) before their 入学第一季度. These appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis according to the date a completed application is received in the admissions/registration office.

登记 now is being done via the college web site (3mdj.dan48.com).

登记 appointments are mailed to students for the 入学第一季度 only. Appointments are posted in each building on campus and are available in the “Student Records” section on the college web site. 优先级是根据 在WVC获得的总学分中. Currently enrolled students register first, followed 先是以前的学生,然后是新生.

C. 晚注册

Students may add classes to their schedule up through the tenth day of each quarter. There are no restrictions on the first and second day 四分之一. 之间的 third day and the fifth day, the instructor’s permission is required. 你不会的 be able to add a class through Web 登记 after the second day. 之间的 fifth and tenth day, you will need both the instructor’s signature and that of the 适当的院长.

D. 把类

Courses dropped during the first 10 days of a quarter are not included on a transcript. Courses dropped after the 10th day are recorded with a “W” on a transcript. A class may be dropped anytime during the first 30 days of instruction each quarter. 取款 从短期课程、研讨会、工作坊等.,必须在截止前完成 有资格获得“W”.

E. 从大学退学

Students withdrawing from college must fill out and submit a Complete Withdrawal Form 到招生办公室. All signatures requested on the form must be obtained before 提交表格. The deadline for withdrawing from college is the end of the 30th 授课日.

Students withdrawing from continuing education and seeking a refund should contact the continuing education office for more information.

F. 审计类

An audit exempts the student from examinations, but the instructor may require reasonable 出勤及课堂参与. No college credit is received for audited courses 并适用常规学费. The deadlines for completing audit transactions are:

  1. Changes from audit to credit are permitted only through the 10th instructional day 四分之一.
  2. Changes from credit to audit are permitted until the end of the 30th 授课日. The instructor’s written approval is required after the fifth 授课日.

G. 可供长者入场

To qualify for the senior citizen fee rate a student must:

  1. 60岁以上.
  2. Register after the fifth instructional day 四分之一, but before the 10th day.
  3.  Take no more than two classes per quarter at the space-available rate.

There is no transcript record for classes taken on a space-available basis. These 课程不符合转学资格. Students pay a small per-class fee and registration fee and any special fee associated with the class. 联系注册办公室 有关收费的更多信息.

Senior Ed-Venture classes are available at reduced rates through the continuing education office.


A refund of tuition and fees, exclusive of the registration fee, will be made in compliance 执行以下步骤. Students apply for refunds through the cashier’s station.

  1. For classes that begin the first week 四分之一:
    1. 100-percent refund upon withdrawal on or before the fifth business day of the academic quarter.
    2. 50-percent refund if withdrawing on or after the sixth business day and on or before 本季度的第20个工作日.
    3. 100-percent refund if classes or programs are canceled by WVC.
    4. No refund after 本季度的第20个工作日.
    5. Refund rates are prorated when students drop below 10 credits.
    6. Refunds for classes with irregular instructional starting days or concentrated scheduling 会以公布的开始日期为准吗.
  2. For classes that begin after the first week 四分之一:
    1. Refunds are calculated as above, based upon the published starting date of the class.
  3. Self-support, professional development, contract classes and continuing education classes:
    1. 100-percent refund until the first day of class.
    2. 第一堂课开始不退款.

I. 成绩报告

Wenatchee Valley College does not provide hard copies of grades. 职系可于 通过使用学院网站(3mdj.dan48.com). 成绩报告将被扣留,如果财务 obligations to the college are not fulfilled or if materials have not been returned 去图书馆.

J. 成绩单

An official copy of a student transcript will be released only upon written request and may be withheld if any financial obligations to the college have not been met. Unofficial transcripts may be obtained through the “Student Records” link on the college 网站:WWW.dan48.com.

GED transcripts are available through the student development office.

